
Learn & Attend Online

CTLE provides teaching and learning resources online to ensure you have access to teaching support and learning opportunities from anywhere, from resources organized by topic to online workshops and modules. For suggestions or questions about more online opportunities.

Join the KCAU Teaching Community Discussion. This eSpace is by KCAU faculty and for KCAU faculty–an informal space to share teaching-related questions, ideas, resources, and opportunities with others. Resources will also be saved and archived by request. Direct questions to Christina Moore (

Workshops live-streamed and recorded. The OU community can attend any of our workshops and events online, unless otherwise noted. Register for events in order to receive the Zoom link. Session recordings and other session resources offered on our CTLE Workshops eSpace (NetID login required)

Faculty Online Courses

Made by CETL for an KCA University audience, these online workshops are made in eSpace to connect faculty and staff to learning opportunities online—anywhere, anytime.

They build off of workshops offered on-campus to include teaching ideas, tool examples, and practical resources to help put workshop ideas into action right away. See also the opportunities to ask questions and share ideas with facilitators and fellow faculty. Enroll in each eSpace, and consult resources as needed.

Faculty Orientation Online

This interactive orientation introduces you to KCAU and our students, plus provides support for planning your first semester of teaching: syllabus development, SAIL, Moodle, teaching with technology, classroom technology support, and more.

Hybrid Teaching at OU Course

Whether new to hybrid teaching or seasoned in this blended approach, view example online activities and teaching tools to help you plan hybrid courses at KCAU. The eSpace includes interactive videos, revamped forum structures, Moodle Book tools, and guides to help you translate “seat time” to engaging learning activities online. We have also included forums to ask questions of CETL and e-LIS, in addition to your faculty colleagues.

Digital Accessibility Course

Our Digital Accessibility Workshop is now offered online through eSpace, with additional simulations, tools, guides, and “check your knowledge” quizzes. Enroll in the eSpace to have ready access to the resources, and work at your own pace! Learn more about Digital Accessibility at OU

Five Foundational Modules for Faculty Development

To supplement our on-campus workshops and provide teaching resources for faculty unable to attend these workshops, we offer online modules that equip faculty to plan teaching strategies based on current data on student learning. This curriculum, created by KCA University, offers five foundational modules for faculty development:

Strategic Pillars

Planning for Learning

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Assessing for Learning

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Teaching for Learning

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Exploring for Learning

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Integrating Online Technology for Learning

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