Connecting with Student in a Virtual Teaching an Learning Environment
Join us for a panel discussion hosted by the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence on “Connecting with Students in a Virtual Teaching and Learning Environment.” Learner engagement plays a crucial role in knowledge acquisition, skill development, and attitude change.
Our esteemed Chief Guest, Prof. Dakota L-King-White, Ph.D., an Associate Professor and School Counselling Program Coordinator at Levin College of Public Affairs, Cleveland State University, will join us on Thursday, 27th July 2023, at 2:00 PM. Be part of the discussion via Zoom using the following link:
Link: https://zoom.us/j/92695165558?pwd=Qm56VEs2cGpnR3BqMGhwTHBYRjN1dz09
Meeting ID: 926 9516 5558
Passcode: 958509
- Organizer Name: CTLE
- Email: ctle@kcau.ac.ke
- Website: https://ctle.kcau.ac.ke/