Welcome to CTLE

By their own right, university professors, part-time instructors, and teaching assistants are experts in their respective fields of concentration.
However, that does not guarantee success in teaching, as teaching expertise is an altogether different matter (Committee on Developments in the Science of Learning, 2000). Unlike at lower levels of education, many academic staff in institutions of higher learning have had no training or preparation in pedagogy for graduate degree programs (T. E. Robinson, 2013).
. Consequently, these teachers/instructors may be challenged in delivering meaningful engagement with learners. That is, the instructors may not be able to fully aid the learners grasp content in-depth, retain and apply what is learnt. Fundamentally, this means that there is a disconnect between expertise and conveyance of content and concepts to students. This is the gap that the Center for Teaching and Learning excellence (CTLE) at KCA University seeks to bridge.
CTLE is a multi-layered resource and networking hub that aids the academic staff so that they attain their full potential as university teachers, scholars and full engaged external members of both the university and external communities in all the stages of their careers. CTLE seeks to promote innovation, collaboration, collegiality and the love of learning.
Our Vision & Mission Satatement
Our Vision
Transforming university teaching and learning culture for student success.
Our Mission
Our Core Value
Inclusivity & D iversity
Effective learner engagement, student retention and transition, employable skills- Objective Employ systematic enquiry into diverse pedagogies that enable students to take on an active role in teaching and learning
- Objective Create an environment that is supportive of effective teaching and learning
- Objective Accord students the opportunity to work and collaborate with academic staff
- Objective Enhance quality student centered learning experiences
- Objective Actively support integration of digital technologies in teaching and learning
Effective learner engagement, student retention & transition, employable skills- Objective Promote a culture that values and celebrates teaching excellence.
- Objective Collaborate with the university academic leadership and create best practices in the assessment of teaching effectiveness.
- Objective Create a strong network of formal assistance including individual mentoring, that will transition to a fulfilling academic career.
- Objective Enhance systematic inquiry which advances the practice of teaching and scholarly aptitude.
- Objective Develop a culture of reflective practice that facilitates a strong foundation for continuously improving teaching and learning
Effective learner engagement, student retention & transition, employable skills
- Objective
Provide conceptual and practical advice, resources and support to academic leaders to enable them deliver their mandate and meet the demands of stakeholders
- Objective
Enhance university commitment to meet unique learning needs of students in order to promote student success.
- Objective
Support schools with model guidelines to support aligning curriculum, curriculum mapping and assessment plans.
- Objective
Initiate ongoing course design partnerships and consultation.
Effective learner engagement, student retention & transition, employable skills
- Objective
Enhance digitally enabled pedagogies to support outcome-based teaching and learning
- Objective
Equip faculty with necessary technological skills for a holistic teaching and learning experience
- Objective
Create an appropriate environment for practical application of digital technologies in teaching and learning
(O’Hara, 2007)