Message From Vice Chancellor & CEO

Prof. Simon K. Ngigi, PhD

Prof. Isaiah I. C. Wakindiki, PhD., Pr. Sci. Nat.

Vice Chancellor & CEO

KCA University

Vice Chancellor & CEO 's Mesage

We stand at a pivotal stage in our journey as a premier University for Business and Technology. We have emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic stronger, more resilient, and fuller of agility in our knowledge delivery methods. As we take pride in the wide range of our academic programs, we stand by a guiding belief in our mission that every experience is an opportunity to learn, and therefore calls for continuous improvement in our pedagogical skills that are contextually relevant and in tune with the offerings of the digital age. It is from this experience that we launched the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTLE) at KCAU. CTLE endeavors to support academic staff career advancement, enhance student engagement and success, promote teaching and learning excellence, academic leadership, adoption of technological innovations to enhance teaching and learning, academic leadership, and Nurture sustainability and growth of the center. CTLE supports all academic staff in teaching and learning development. It provides experiences, opportunities, and resources that support their growth across all career stages and program levels within the university. This in return impacts on student success and contributes to making KCA University the preferred referral university in the region and globally. We welcome our partners to walk the journey with us as we reimagine teaching and learning in KCA University.


Prof. Isaiah I. C. Wakindiki, PhD., Pr. Sci. Nat.
Vice Chancellor & CEO