Our Reference Books SInce 1989 All Published 2021-2025 Published 2016-2020 Published 2011-2015 Published 2005-2010 Best Practices in Engaging Online Learners Through Active and Experiential Learning Strategies. 2nd edition Stephanie Smith Budhai, Ke’Anna Brown Skipwith (2022). The lecturer’s toolkit; a practical guide to assessment, learning and teaching 5th edition-Race Phil. (2020) Flipped Learning: A Guide for Higher Education Faculty. Robert Talbert (2017). Best Practices for Teaching with Emerging Technologies. 2nd edition. Michelle Pacansky-Brock (2017). Essentials for blended learning; A standard based 2nd edition- Stein J and Charles. R. Graham (2020) Rethinking pedagogy for a digital age; principles and practices of design 3rd edition.-Beetham Hellen. and Sharpe Rhona. (2020) Excellent! Online Teaching. Effective Strategies for a Successful Semester Online. Aaron Johnson (2013) Producing video for teaching and learning; planning and collaboration- O’donoghue Michael. (2014) Curriculum development in higher education : Faculty-driven processes and practices / Edited by Peter Wolf and Julia Christensen Hughes.(2007) Teaching actively : Eight steps and 32 strategies to Spark Learning in Any Classroom / Mel Silberman. (2006)